The COMPTOIR DU LIBRE is a service of
  • Okular

    * * * * 0/4 ( No evaluation, yet )
  • Official web site:
  • Source code:
  • License: GNU GPLv2
  • Okular permet d'afficher et d'annoter des documents de différents formats, notamment PDF, Postscript, Comic Book et divers formats d'image. Okular est multiplateforme et prend en charge les annotations en format PDF natif.

  • Tags :
  • Edit

Users of Okular

See all declared users of Okular
  1. Administration


  2. Person


  3. Person


Use cases for Okular software

Testimonials for Okular

No testimony for Okular

Service providers for Okular

No service provider for Okular.

Screenshots of Okular

No screenshot for Okular.

Working well with Okular

There are no project for Okular

Alternative to Okular

No alternative to Okular.